Waiting for Help: After a Catastrophe, Home Insurance Claims Can Take Time
November 10, 2017

Waiting for Help: After a Catastrophe, Home Insurance Claims Can Take Time

image of insurance documents ready to review by Guardian InsuranceLarge-scale disasters create worrisome conditions. After the storm passes, the cleanup can take a long time. Waiting for help is more difficult. Your home insurance agent will do his or her best to help you in this event. Most insurers will call in extra adjusters to hurry the process. Yet, what you do between the disaster and their arrival matters.

Your First Call Is Your Agent

After ensuring everyone is safe after an event, your goal is to call your home insurance agent. Your agent needs to visually inspect the damage. He or she will provide information about your policy. Once they see the home, they will tell you to obtain estimates for repair and cleanup. You should not attempt to clean up on your own until your agent views the extent of the damage.

Recognize that the claim itself can take time. Many people want to get into their home immediately. However, that may not be possible. In a covered claim, you may have financial support to help you as you await repairs. Your insurer can usually provide these funds relatively quickly. Use these funds to pay for a hotel or other boarding. Most home insurance plans offer this type of coverage. It will cover your expenses until you can move back into your home.

Handling the Cleanup

Work with a licensed contractor every step of the way. The contractor can help with debris removal. They will help with shoring up the home to protect it during repairs. They will provide help such as tarps to cover roof openings. It can take time for contractors to become available to you. In a large-scale event, where multiple homes suffer damage, it is always necessary to be proactive. Work with the contractor in any way you can to speed up the process.

The good news is most home insurance claims during these times are often fast. The insurer recognizes the need to get cleanup happening immediately. And, they may use technology, such as digital photos or live streaming, to speed up the claims process. Work with your agent on what steps to take to get the work done. Nevertheless, be patient. Rushing could lead to mistakes by you and your agents. Let the process play out.

After a catastrophe, your job is to remain safe. Let the professionals handle the cleanup and repairs. Your home insurance agent will help you with questions and concerns while you wait.

Make sure your homeowners insurance has you fully protected. Call Guardian Insurance at (770) 277.4779 or 855.554.6482 for a fast, free policy quote.

Tags: claim information, Home Insurance

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