August 21, 2013

Insurance Considerations for RV Full-Timers

Over a million Americans have sold off their “sticks and bricks” home and live in their motorhomes or travel trailers full-time. However, even though RVers leave behind the world of cleaning gutters and mowing lawns, some important considerations follow, no matter how fast or far you drive.

At the top of that list is insurance. There are significant differences between insurance for the RV that comes out of the garage for a couple of weeks in the summer and the full-time rig.

Choice of RV: Just like cars, insurance rates may vary depending on what type of RV you buy. Factor insurance quotes into RV selection. Also, older rigs may not be eligible for full comprehensive and collision coverage. 

Usage and Storage: Most cookie-cutter Lawrenceville RV insurance policies assume the rig will be used only a few weeks or months of the year and stored the rest of the time. In order to get the right coverage, you need to tell your insurance agent you are a full-time RVer.

How you use your RV as a full-timer will affect your insurance. For example, if you have a home base, a place where you park your RV for a significant part of the year, ask your agent if building a shelter for your RV will help your insurance rates.

Home State: Most states require a minimum amount of personal liability and property damage coverage. However, the amounts vary greatly from state to state. What is adequate in one state may be inadequate in another. Discuss your travel plans with your insurance agent. For a comparably small increase in premiums, your liability coverage can be increased to an amount that will satisfy the requirements in every state and protect you should there be an accident. Whatever you do, make sure you satisfy the legal requirements of the state you choose as your home base. 

Contents Insurance: A typical vehicle or RV policy will have only minimal coverage for contents. However, full-timers are carrying most, if not all, of their property with them. Computers, electronics, jewelry and tools may not be covered under a casual recreational vehicle policy. First thing is a thorough inventory of the contents of your RV. Then make sure your policy sufficiently covers your personal belongings at their replacement value in case an accident or fire leaves you at the curb and starting over.

Roadside Assistance: An accident or mechanical failure can leave you by the side of the road. Towing benefits in a standard policy may not be enough for RV owners. Either as part of your insurance or a supplemental roadside assistance policy ask about enhanced roadside assistance and rental car coverage in case your rig has to stay in the shop for several days.

Tow or Towed Vehicle Insurance: Many full-timers either tow a trailer or pull a smaller vehicle (called a “toad”) behind them. This vehicle requires separate insurance, but you might be able to save money by talking to your agent about a bundled discount. 

Full-time motorhome insurance is analogous to homeowner’s insurance. If you are considering hitting the road for good, don’t leave your insurance to an online quote. Call Guardian Insurance at 855-464-8273 to review your options and craft a policy that is affordable and suits your new way of life.

Tags: lawrenceville rv insurance, rv insurance lawrenceville georgia

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