Myths about Auto Insurance Rating
julio 23, 2012

Myths about Auto Insurance Rating

Waiting for your renewal or new auto insurance rate quote can be difficult. As you’re waiting, all the things you’ve done wrong in regards to driving over the years become heavier on your mind and you might become more and more positive that each decision you’ve made will make a negative impact.

Quite a few of these worries are because of myths about auto insurance rating. Let’s take a look into some of them.

Rate depends on car color: Can you recall the last time your agent or auto insurance company asked you what color you’re your car was? The answer should be never; car color does not factor into auto insurance rates.  A sedan may be given a lesser rate than a sports car, but that’s not dependent upon the color of the vehicle at all. What it is dependent upon is the tendency of a driver to behave a certain way in one type of car, consequently presenting more risk for the insurer.

Marriage makes for cheaper auto insurance rates: Underwriters figure your risk and how much you pay by looking into your potential behavior based on marital status, age, and driving record. Marriage can certainly aid in making you look like a more conservative driver. However, your past driving record could reflect negatively on that and leave you without any major discounts.

Personal insurance required for personal ownership of the vehicle: Insuring a vehicle means you’re insuring it against the risks it could encounter while it’s in use, not the risks it could encounter because of whose name is on the title. If you use your personal vehicle for business purposes, then you would need to get commercial insurance, regardless of who owns it.

Accidents will increase your auto insurance rates: Any accident that you have will factor into figuring out whether or not you have a rate increase. Should you have an accident and your driving didn’t contribute to it, yet you have a claim against the uninsured motorist coverage on your policy then you might not have an increase in rate all. All insurers are looking for are the behaviors that deserve an increase in rate, not incidents beyond what you can control.

When it comes to rating auto insurance, you’re sure to have plenty of myths. However, there is an easy way to get past all of the myths and straight to the truth. Call us at 1-855-Go-Guardian. He or she can help you figure out what’s fact or not, in regards to your Atlanta auto insurance policy.

Tags: Atlanta, auto, car, GA, insurance, insurance rate depends on car color, insurance rates, rating myths

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