diciembre 4, 2014

Insuring Your Limo Service

Car on the roadAs the owner of a limo service, you should already know that all vehicles must be insured before hitting the road. But limousines have unique risks because your drivers transport people around town, whether to the airport or to a swanky party. These risks mean that commercial auto insurance may not cut it; instead, ask your independent insurance agent about limo insurance.

The right coverage for your limo service largely depends on your vehicles. For example, a sole proprietor with a single limo will not need as much coverage as a service that owns a fleet of limos and has several hired drivers. Ask your agent about the following coverages and if they’re right for your limo service.

  • Property damage liability: Covers damages to third parties that was caused by you or one of your drivers while on the clock.

  • Bodily injury: Covers injuries to third parties that were caused by you or one of your drivers, including medical/rehab bills and your legal fees if the injured party sues.

  • Personal injury: Covers your own expenses following an accident, including vehicle repair, medical bills, rehab expenses, lost wages and pedestrian accidents.

  • Underinsured/uninsured coverage: Covers your damages after being involved in an accident caused by a driver who is underinsured or uninsured. Limo drivers are required to own this coverage in many states.

  • Employment practices liability: Covers your business if an employee sues for wrongful termination, discrimination or sexual harassment.

This may sound like an unwanted expense, but insuring your limo fleet is vital for the integrity of your business and the safety of your customers. And there are plenty of ways to trim down your premiums. Ask your agent about savings for insuring multiple vehicles, hiring drivers with exemplary records, going claims-free, maintaining a good credit score and more.

We’re happy to assist you. Call Guardian Insurance at (404) 663-4876 for a Lawrenceville limo insurance quote.

Tags: Atlanta, Georgia, insurance, Lawrenceville, limo insurance, limousine insurance

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