Atlanta Seguro comercial

Also Insuring Lawrenceville, Roswell, Buford, Duluth, Snellville & surrounding areas in Georgia

Georgia businesses come in all shapes and sizes, but all face risks on a daily basis. Customized business insurance policies from Guardian Insurance can help protect your company should these risks becomeimage to request certificate of insurance reality. In fact, the right coverage could even provide the financial protection to keep your business from shutting down.

Commercial Auto

As a business owner, you need the same kinds of insurance coverages for the car you use in your business as you do for a car used for personal travel — liability, collision and comprehensive, medical payments (known as personal injury protection in some states) and coverage for uninsured motorists.

Whether you need to buy a business auto insurance policy will depend on the kind of driving you do. Our insurance agents will ask you for details about how you use vehicles in your business, who will be driving them and whether employees, if you have them, are likely to be driving their own cars for your business.

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General Liability

If you have a personal umbrella liability policy, there’s generally an exclusion for business-related liability. Unfortunately for every business owner, the chances of getting sued have dramatically increased in the last decade. General Liability insurance can prevent a legal suit from turning into a financial disaster.

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Workers Compensation

Workers compensation laws were created to ensure that employees who are injured on the job are provided with fixed monetary awards. This eliminates the need for litigation and creates an easier process for the employee. It also helps control the financial risks for employers since many states limit the amount an injured employee can recover from an employer.

Workers Compensation Insurance is designed to help companies pay these benefits. As a protection for employees, most states require that employers carry some form of Workers Compensation Insurance.

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Additional Commercial Insurance Options


Insurance Resources for Business Owners

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